The Lesson Archive

This page should be undergoing extensive editing so bear with us. At the present time we intend to have our set up as follows. Our stronger players will have a section here to post lessons on openings, theories and general lines. Our more intermediate players will have a space here as well as they also have some ideas to offer on endgames, basic tactics and the like that newer players may well benefit from. And we will have a section that covers basic rules, moves, mates and so forth that all of our players can use to contribute to the development of anyone's interest in the game. Finally, we will have segments for game analysis.
This last section may prove the most interesting. It is not uncommon to find volumes upon volumes of books on the games of the Grandmasters and aspiring players should not be dissuaded from this as a study of top level play will reveal patterns and moves that are most "correct" and will help with understanding lines and how they tend to progress. That being said, the average player may not find himself ofetn in a Sicilian game 10 moves in, or in a situation where he might readily expect to find one of Fischer's Brilliancies or Capablanca's Novelties. For that reason our archive will include annotated GM games to be sure but will also present games from our members with annotation by various computers and by some of our top players as well as by the participants themselves so as to see what a person, win lose or draw, was thinking when he made that terrible or brilliant move. We hope you enjoy.

Our Grand Master of the Month

Emanuel Lasker
Born: December 24, 1868 -- Died: January 11, 1941
2nd World Chess Champion

Lasker Emanuel (GER) - Marco Georg (AUT)

Result: 1-0
Site: Hastings (England)
Date: 1895
[...] 1.d4 d5 2.♘f3 e6 3.c4 ♘f6 4.♘c3 ♗e7 5.♗f4 O-O 6.♕c2 c6 7.e3 b6 8.a3 ♗b7 9.cxd5 exd5 10.♗d3 c5 11.♘b5 ♘c6 12.♗f5 g6 13.♗d3 ♖c8 14.dxc5 bxc5 15.O-O ♕d7 16.♗e2 ♖fd8 17.♖fd1 ♘e4 18.♘c3 ♘xc3 19.♕xc3 d4 20.♕c2 ♘a5 21.♘e5 ♕e6 22.♕a4 ♗f6 23.♗g4 ♕b6 24.♗xc8 ♗xc8 25.b4 ♗xe5 26.♗xe5 ♘c6 27.bxc5 ♕xc5 28.♗xd4 ♘xd4 29.♖xd4


Master Analysis
Tactical Lessons
Openings Lessons
EndGame Lessons
Rules & How To
Club Analysis
Basic Opening Theory
Rook Endgames
Board Set Up
King's Gambit
Queen Endgames
Queen's Gambit
Pawn Endgames
Removing the Defender
French Defense
Rook and Pawn
Sicilian Defense
Bishops Endings

Club Games by Player
Mouse Over Names for List

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